How much do you LOVE Funneh?

This quiz will determine if you are a true Funneh fan. If you're not then I don't know what the heck your doing here. Now enjoy this quiz and don't mess this up!!!

I GO LIKE A MASTER.............IYEETI...................Y-E-E-E-T YOU LIKE MY PATTERN ~IYOOTI~ ITS SO AWESOME PLEB That's all for you my beautiful plebs.

Created by: Rin
  1. What is Funneh's real name?
  2. How many siblings does she have?
  3. Does she have 5m subscribers? (2019 start of school year)
  4. What did Funneh do at 2m subscribers?
  5. What name does she call herself and her siblings?
  6. YOOT!!!
  7. YOOT or YEET?
  8. What's your power?
  10. Dis da last question. What are your favorite chips?

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Quiz topic: How much do I LOVE Funneh?

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