How much do you love Bunheads?

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There are many fake bunhead lovers but there are a few true to the show are you one of them? Take this quiz to find out how much you love ABC Family's Bunheads.

Are you a bunhead maniac? Take this quiz to find out if you have what it takes to be in love with this show many are obsessing about. Will you have what it takes??

Created by: Brianna Rivera
  1. Who is Michele's best friend from Vegas?
  2. Who plays Sasha?
  3. How did Hubbell die?
  4. Where do the girls live?
  5. Who runs the dance studio?
  6. Why is Fanny going crazy?
  7. What happened when the girls sneaked out to go see a movie?
  8. What animal does Truly want to be for Michele and Thalia
  9. What does Truly do so she's not drunk
  10. What position does Boo get after Sasha gets in trouble with Fanny
  11. How old are the girls?
  12. How many girls are there in their group?
  13. Who was Truly to Hubbell?
  14. What does Michele do after Hubbell dies?
  15. Who was Fanny to Hubbell?
  16. What are the girls names?
  17. Who like Melanie's brother?
  18. Who's father is "secretly" gay?
  19. Who is your favorite character?

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Quiz topic: How much do I love Bunheads?