How much do you know the Harry Potter series?

Hello everyone who stumbles onto the quiz! Now, there are two possibilities about why you are taking it: you may have searched up Harry Potter, or you pressed random quiz. Nevertheless, feel free to take this quiz.

To be very honest, this quiz is fairly simple and is more for people who have read the series once than many times over. Feel free to take it and most importantly... Enjoy!

Created by: azhou1
  1. Who is the protagonist of the story?
  2. Who guesses that Lupin is a werewolf from the following people?
  3. What is Voldemort’s real name?
  4. Who is the antagonist of the story?
  5. What is the title of the second book in the series?
  6. Who was Severus Snape in love with?
  7. How many books are in the Harry Potter series? (Including the play(s))
  8. Who is the author of Harry Potter?
  9. What is Harry Potter’s wand core?
  10. Who did Harry Potter meet first?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know the Harry Potter series?
