How much do you know about the movie 'American Pie'

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Everyone has seen "American Pie" but there's things that some people will not know until NOW. Test your intellect on the first raunchy comedy in the original series (the s*itty straight-to-dvd spinoffs don't count), so give it a try!

Think you know a lot about the first "American Pie" movie? Think again! Take this quiz to see how much you know and how much you don't know, in just a couple minutes with instant results! There's just something about your first piece.

Created by: Seth
  1. When was this movie made?
  2. Fill in the blank. What kind of pie does Oz explain to Jim what third base feels like? "Like warm _______ pie..."
  3. What kind of character is Stifler?
  4. What is one word to describe Finch?
  5. What acronym was popularized, thanks to this movie?
  6. Why did Kevin make the pact?
  7. What is the best way to describe Heather's personality?
  8. How many times throughout the movie does it actually show nudity (implied sex scenes do NOT count)?
  9. Out of all the girls, who had the BEST personality? (Excluding Jessica)
  10. What happened when everyone found out that Sherman didn't get laid?
  11. Which band made a cameo appearance, during the webcam scene with Nadia?
  12. What does Finch drink?
  13. How many scenes did they tweak/re-edit for the "UNRATED" version?
  14. Last Question: This movie is obviously a sex comedy. Is the majority of the movie sex-related dialogue or is it just sex scenes throughout the film?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the movie 'American Pie'