How much do YOU know about NT?

Hello Nitro Type Racer! Do you think you know every aspect of NT? Have you spent hours looking over old news posts and history? Or do you think you don't know anything about NT?

This is your chance to see how much you actually know about NT! Please post your result on the news for me when you finish! Have fun! NO RESEARCHING! You must answer using your own knowledge!

Created by: Contingent
  1. Which one of the following players are NOT in the team NT (the team all NT developers are on)?
  2. Which team received first place in Season 0.5?
  3. Which player received first place in Season 4?
  4. In what year was Nitro Type created?
  5. Who founded Nitro Type?
  6. How many comments were there on the first NT news post?
  7. Who has done the MOST races ever on Nitro Type?
  8. Who is the second fastest typer on Nitro Type?
  9. Who posted the fifth ever Nitro Type news post?
  10. Which of the following is NOT one of the Nitro Type cars you can select to race with after your first race?
  11. What car is the last in the entire dealership?
  12. How many hours must you race to receive the Typiano Pizza Car?
  13. How many races must you have to receive the Police Bimmer?
  14. Which car can you receive in your mystery box?
  15. During the PAC event, what title would you receive for purchasing the Rocky Roo?
  16. How long must you wait before you can receive a new mystery box?
  17. How many races must you win in a row to receive the title, "God Mode"?
  18. How many Nitros do you receive for getting 2nd place in a race?
  19. What was the name of the 3rd News Post?
  20. Who broke the record for 30,000 races?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about NT?
