How Much Do You Know About: Law & Order:SVU?

This quiz is about your knowledge of the popular TV criminal drama Law and Order. If you've watched it before you should try to take this amazing quiz, what do you have to lose!

You Ready? Complete our quiz to find out if you might pass the test. Be honest with yourself! 1. Do you feel you could say 'No' if you wanted to? ... Do my easy quiz!

Created by: robert ed
  1. When did Law & Order:SVU first start?
  2. What is the name of the female detective?
  3. How many episodes has aired as of 2010?
  4. What is detective Stabler's first name?
  5. What is detective Bensin's real name?
  6. Who has the most acting experienced?
  7. Who has the most acting experience?
  8. A woman killed both her parents just to get her trust fund money of 238 million dollars and lied about the whole thing on a current episode of law and order. True or false?
  9. Which TV network has Law and Order not aired on?
  10. Which star on the show gets paid 8 million a year?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About: Law & Order:SVU? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Crime Quiz category.