How much do you know about Drew? (2020 DLC edition)

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You know, all of this quiz-making nonsense is starting to upset me. Write 100 words for that and this.. Don't you see Im f---ING tired GTQ? GTQ Guy so are you..

I'm sure you're exhausted of plowing your wife while the rest of us denizens lay waste in your failure of a project. Great, there's no admin now. 10 year olds flock to this website and homophobic trolls looking for a digital high while looking for their ex e-girlfriend use this site as a medium as a past time.

Created by: Desperado
  1. back to the basics: what's my favorite color?
  2. Who's secretly my favorite moderator?
  3. Am I fat?
  4. How old am I now?
  5. Height?
  6. what have I been currently watching lately?
  7. What kinds of people am I jealous of?
  8. How would you describe my personality in adjectives?
  9. My sexuality is:
  10. What am I mostly interested in?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Drew? (2020 DLC edition)

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