How much do you know about animal jam?

There are many jammers but do they even know much about the game they are playing? Explore this sad animal jam world and you will know as much as I do about it

Do YOU know about animal jam? Well take this test to see! If you are gummyunicorn julian2 bepper or snowyclaw can you add me please? If you know one of those people can you tell them to add me?

Created by: Hannah
  1. How do you get free chat?
  2. How do you buddy someone?
  3. Who is fman122?
  4. What is my user name on animal jam?
  5. How do you play best dressed?
  6. How do you play sky high?
  7. What animal is non member?
  8. What is animal jam's initials?
  9. Who is julian2
  10. Subscribe to my channel XxEPICBETAGIRLXxlol please!

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about animal jam?