How much do u know about degrassi/the best years

Alot of people think they know degrassi and the best years but they don't so why don't u take this quiz and see if u know ur stuff and if u do u can go brag to all ur friends

so take the quiz and see if u know ur stuff and if u don't i feel sorry for u because u are missing out on a fun show and u must be a cornball. so have fun!!!

Created by: Lauren
  1. How many people have been sent 2 da hoptial in degrassi
  2. How many people have gotten pergent?
  3. Who died in Degrassi
  4. Who is da oldest meber of degrassi that is still a kid?
  5. What is Shaun going to do to get experince in mechanics?
  6. Did domeone die in the first episode and if so what was there name?
  7. How much money does sam have when she arrive at the campus?
  8. Does cynthia try 2 commit sucide
  9. Who starts sleeping with Beau?
  10. Who does sam start dating

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