How Much Do I HATE You?

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hi today we r gonna be seeing how much i hate u. please comment offensive things in the comments <3 im bad at making quizzes and im also extremely lazy so yeah good luck

i got nothin else to say fhaiugfawulgbfukafgukalsggsa have a good day pbipabfiuzbfiuhzafiubabfkjlahk also watch peanut butter gamer slkhfshlsjfshfkshf

Created by: kirifuseru
  1. do you like cats?
  2. how do you feel about Len Kagamine?
  3. do you know the term "irl yandere"?
  4. (cliche question sorry in advance) are you homophobic/transphobic/racist?
  5. do you hate me?
  6. what do you think of cringe culture?
  7. do you do tiktok dances at school
  8. do u comment mean stuff on quizzes/posts just for fun
  9. do you think suicide is for losers and weaklings
  10. do you hate emos
  11. ok thats all bye

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