Are our FNaF AUs similar?

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Obviously, contains my AU, my ships, my ideas, ect. If you do not like, feel free to leave. Understand that not everyone shares your ideas. Everyone, no hate! (MikeBro theory fellas!)

This is a quiz to see if you know anything about my AU because, instead of sleeping, i'm making quizzes and checking messages on my school chromebook that probably costs $40. So, what I want you to do, is put down things in your AU and we'll compare.

Created by: FNAFidi0t
  1. Do you ship anything?
  2. Is William a good dad in your AU?
  3. What is C.C.'s name?
  4. What does C.C. possess?
  5. Why did Michael bully C.C.?
  6. How many souls are in Golden Freddy?
  7. What is Cassidy's gender?
  8. How tall is William? (Put your AU, close to your AU, or a random one)
  9. Are the Funtime robots possessed? (I mean, all of them)
  10. What happened to the Toy animtronics in your AU?
  11. FNAF 1 then FNAF 2, or vise versa?
  12. How many missing children are there all together? (The FNAF 1 crew, Charlie, the littler Afton kids, ect.)
  13. Are the Phantoms actually real?
  14. Were the Nightmares real?
  15. What happened to FNaF 1?
  16. Does William regret anything?
  17. Is William Glitchtrap?
  18. Do William's kids like him?
  19. Who is Clara?
  20. Do you include GlamMike or GregCC (Glamrock Freddy is Michael Afton and Gregory is the FNaF 4 crying child)
  21. What is Michael's gender and pronouns? (Your AU, doesn't really matter)
  22. Did William mean to get his kids killed?
  23. Why is William afraid of death?
  24. Who's my favorite Afton?
  25. Did you enjoy the quiz
  26. Last question, who's your favorite Afton? :D

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