How manly are you?

There are many manly people out there in the world. But some are just have true manliness. If you are manly you are not afraid of anyone or anything. You wont let anyone stand in your way.

Do you want to find out how manly YOU are???? Do you want to find out if you have enough braveness to be manly?? Well if you take the SLECTACULAR QUIZ, in a few minutes youll cind out!

Created by: Kamyla Gutierrez
  1. If you could go to any event what would it be??
  2. What type of colors do you like??
  3. If you could be any animal what would it be??
  4. On Sunday you:
  5. If a horde of zombies was chasing you and your only way to escape was to jump off a bridge you would:
  6. What type of music do you listen to?
  7. How would you describe yourself?
  8. How would you deal with a knife?
  9. How would you deal with a burgler?
  10. How would you rate my quiz?

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Quiz topic: How manly am I?