are you manly?

This Quiz was made to see if you are manly or not. I hope you enjoy!

Do you have what it takes to be manly? find out in this quiz!

Created by: legolas
  1. you see a bad guy breaking in a jewelry store you
  2. you go to work and your boss tells you that you can leave one hour early but when your done with work you see some one drive of with your car you
  3. you watch a movie and a scary seen comes on
  4. what is your normal reaction if something goes wrong?
  5. witch is your favorite movie out of these?
  6. what is your favorite color?
  7. what do you like to do?
  8. what is you favorite number?
  9. what is your favorite subject in school?
  10. did you enjoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I manly?