How long can you survive star wars

There are many people how think they can survive the whole saga but think again this test is design to tell you if you should join the republic or fall to the empire

Can you survive the whole six episodes or have you last faith in your self don't get your head in the clouds take it out and try my test and see if you can do it

Created by: Tyler cooper
  1. Who are you
  2. If you were to live somewhere where would it be
  3. Hurry up I'm inpatient come on where are you now
  4. Did the last question rushed you
  5. If you wanted your own force what would it be
  6. Are you tired
  7. Fav character
  8. Fav flavor cake
  9. Luke comes up to you what do you do
  10. Was this test fun

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Quiz topic: How long can I survive star wars