How Leicester are you?

It's Leicester. the jewel in the UK's crown. A veritable kingdom in this proud nation's crown. Home to everything that is good about life. How well do you know it though????

Take the following 15 questions, that'll sort out who's a wannabe Saffite from a hardcore Monsellite, who's been glassed in the Rowletts and who remembers the Double Decker.

Created by: Daniel Lambert

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which one of these is NOT a Leicester legend?
  2. Which Scandinavian capital had a famous bar in the city centre?
  3. Name the picturesque and captivating stretch of land only a stones throw from the city centre?
  4. One of these is a park in Leicester, but which one?
  5. Who was the last manager to take Leicester City into the Premier League?
  6. You've just had your picture taken next to 'Sibbo'...but who is he?
  7. What name links an area of Leicester and a Leicester taxi company?
  8. Which roundabout in Leicester is named after a savoury snack?
  9. What's the name of the building on Newarke Street that dates back to 1410?
  10. If you're getting the bus into town from Uppingham Road, where's it going to drop you off?
  11. Which one's the furthest away from the City Centre?
  12. If you had a job at Corah's, what industry were you involved in?
  13. What's the greatest pie ever tasted the world over?
  14. What's the pedestrian walk way that leads from Victoria Park to the City centre?
  15. You want the finest Fish and Chips in Leicester, so you go to....

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Quiz topic: How Leicester am I?