How KeklordPilled are yuo

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This is a test written to see how much you agree with twitter user Keklord, or can otherwise be seen as a normal political test if that works better for you

Please answer all questions honestly and respond accordingly to the result you get at the end. There are 20 questions ranging from economics to social issues to foreign policy. We get to the point here so they’re all very important (there arent I just copy and pasted trhis)

Created by: Keklord!!!
  1. Should NASA have another 20 billion added to its budget
  2. Should every income related tax be replaced with a 75% Land Value Tax
  3. 0.2% Financial Transactions tax?
  4. Alexander Hamilton is in:
  5. Is it bad that keklord retweets Japanese Boys Love Art?
  6. The Constitution Is:
  7. Quadruple foreign aid to Israel?
  8. 30$ Alcohol tax???
  9. Legalize every drug?
  10. Jimmy Carter Deregulation GOAT?
  11. Okay serious question time make the Humane Slaughter Act apply to Poultry?
  12. Hint:
  14. Do you pledge your life and soul to third way liberalism?
  15. Subsides
  16. Healthcare!!!
  17. Final Question!!!! What dod you thik about my tweets?!

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