Atlas Political Ideology Test

So, following recent events. I have decided to make an Atlas political compass. The Compass will examine your views on party direction, as well as major political issues.

Some of the issues discussed are unions, gun control, the environment, taxes, healthcare, as well as questions about generic political ideology and the direction that the party should pursue

Created by: S019
  1. What are your views on a party's direction
  2. What are your views on social issues?
  3. What are your views on gun control?
  4. What are your stances on unions?
  5. What are your views on the environment?
  6. What are your views on taxes
  7. What is your stance on healthcare
  8. What is your stance on capitalism?
  9. What is your stance on bipartisanship?
  10. What are your generic political views

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