How horse crazy are you? | Comments

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  • Forty seven percent? Forty seven percent?! FORTY SEVEN PERCENT!? ok listen, I LOVE horses! HORSES ARE MY PEANUT BUTTER TO MY JELLY! just because I don't want a stick horse and would rather watch a movie with my friend than pick up poop. I LOVE horses like many others, but who WANTS to muck out stalls? It's just something that has to be done and your willing to do. But trust me when I say I LOVE horses. And for question 3 my favorite animal is both canine and equine equally, I couldn't decide!

  • Its ok i understand what you mean. This is definatly no the worst quiz i have ever taken it was pretty good but not gr8. BTW, The question who would you like to meet most had to be answered Red Pollard. He was such a funny/weird person! I reccomend reading Laura Hillenbrand's Seabiscuit if you want to know more about him and Seabiscuit. Im in Elemantary school and even though it had some bad language, it was still one of the best stories iv eva read. (I did my book report on it too and got and A!)

    Radar 1
  • oops, no urls... well anyway, it's th exact same url as this except replace the "6" with a "9"

  • Sorry about how awful my quiz was written... I was having possibly the worst week of my life, and I was writing it based more on ppl I know. I honestly did get 5 ppl to try it out (I was NOT one of them) and everyone got a completely accurate answer, but I know them, so I somewhat used ppl I know to base it on. Srry that this was such a terrible quiz (don't say "u should b" plz, I know that already.

    ******* ******************* ******************* ************

    Her e's a new and improved one, and I got council from others about it: [no urls]

  • I know. I like horses but it said I do but I don't! Seriously! This is one of the worst quizzes I've ever taken!

    • I agree. Horses are my life and it said I don't like riding! I've went from riding every week to riding (almost) every day. Does that sound like disliking riding? But that's fine, as long as I know I love horses

  • half those questions had nothing to do with horses whatsoever


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