How Homestead are you?

There are many people out there that live in Homestead, PA, but few know homestead in and out. If you are one of the people who do, you should be able to pass my quiz!

Are YOU a Homestead person? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: Matthew Clark of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. What is 12th block?
  2. What school do you go to if you live in Homestead?
  3. What High school football team is Homestead's own?
  4. What do you say if your telling the truth?
  5. Are there any stores on 2nd Ave??
  6. What Steeler QB is from Homestead?
  7. What are you most likely doing if you are at the Waterfront?
  8. What is Homestead most known for?
  9. What does H.S.T stand for?
  10. Who is the mayor of Homestead?
  11. What does SVI stand for?

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Quiz topic: How Homestead am I?