how hawt are you?

There is a decreasing population of hot people. We are in need of their kind. 50% of adults are only asked out by ugly people inside and out. What is a hot person you might ask? It's a person who cares about everyone including themselves and is atractive.

This quiz will help you find out if, 1.) You need plastic surgery 2.) If your fine the way you are 3.) How much harder you need to try to become better looking 4.) If you will have a sucsesful dating life when your older. and 5.) Ugly people and hot people balance us so if your bad looking dont worry your helping the balance!

Created by: alix
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have any zits?
  2. what do people say about your body type?
  3. what would people say about your looks?
  4. what about your hair?
  5. Your eyes?
  6. how many boyfriends have you had?
  7. did you go out with them because you liked them?
  8. do u think your hot?
  9. how many chins do you have?
  10. how stupid is this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How hawt am I?