how gullible are you

your not gullible at all or you just put in the "non gullible" answers because if you did what was the point of the test. hope you liked my quiz and thanks for reading it

your very gullible or you just put in the gullible answers....did you cause i know if you did because i know everything...... you fall for it again JK that was mean sorry:)

Created by: minutelion47 of how gullible am i
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. please answer all the questions truthfully and correctly ok
  2. do you believe everything you read online?
  3. do you fall for gullible jokes like "the ceiling says gullible on it" or "if you gullible really slowly its sounds like tractor"
  4. do you believe most things you hear
  5. look down and then up
  6. (you dont have to answer if you are not christian)do you believe in the noahs ark
  7. has anyone ever called you gullible be honest
  8. did you know super-cala-fradja-listic-ex-pe-ala-doesish is in the dictionary I got the spelling from the dictionary:)
  9. do you think your gullible
  10. did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: How gullible am I