How good of a singer are you

are you an amazing singer take this quiz and find out cool and if not so good its ok plase take my quiz why do we have to have so many letters help me i am so boerd grr

Are you a good singer yes no mabe find out in this quiz take it of your brave kidding just trying to get these paragraphs done look now im done yay lets go celetbraty now i have over ha

Created by: burdenk
  1. Do you sing in the shower
  2. do people like to hear you sing
  3. have you ever dressed up and pretended to be a rock star
  4. have you ever recorded yourself
  5. where do you picture yourself in the future
  6. are you obsesest with spot light
  7. laaaa boerd sorry whats your hobby
  8. lllaaa are you in to movies
  9. ok do you think your good
  10. was my quiz good first time

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Quiz topic: How good of a singer am I