How good is your warrior cats OC

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hhheeeyyyy ggguuuyyyssss!!!! I hope you like my quiz! I have made a bunch of OCs and they all turned out really well.(at least in my opinion) :) ;) :D

hhheeeyyy ggguuuyyysss aaagggaaaiiinnn!!!!!thank you for taking your time to do this quiz! It took a long time to make this quiz for you guys! so i hope you like it!

Created by: willowstar
  1. what color fur does your OC have?
  2. what color eyes does your OC have?
  3. is your OC a boy or a girl?
  4. has your OC ever been in a prophecy?
  5. what category is your OC's prefix in?
  6. what was a big thing that happened in your OC's life?
  7. oh I almost forgot! what clan is your OC in?
  8. Is your OC evil?
  9. will you comment?
  10. will you rate?
  11. okay. that's all. hope you liked this quiz! oh! and tell about your OC in the comments please! I want to hear about them!

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Quiz topic: How good is my warrior cats OC
