How good are you in DIY's?

You have probbably seen a lot of DIYs on social media, have u ever tried to make one, or have you been making them for a loong time already? Let's se what quiz will say!

Are you talented for DIYs? Are you making some stupid mistakes and not knowing that? By doing this quiz you will find out something new about you today! Make sure to answer honest on every question, so ypu get correct answers!

Created by: Milana
  1. Why do you make DIYs?
  2. What does "DIY" mean?
  3. Where do you find/buy DIY suplies?
  4. What do you mostly use for DIY's?
  5. How do you make DIY projects?
  6. What do you do after finishing a DIY project?
  7. Okay, so you have a blank paper, what do you do with it?
  8. When someone see DIY I just finished, they say:
  9. My DIY's are:
  10. (no effect on points) There are grammatical errors in the quiz, I hope you still enjoyed ...

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Quiz topic: How good am I in DIY's?