Wich Social Media Are You?

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ok. be honest. you have at least ONE social media. likeeeeeeee...TikTok, Instangram, Snapchat, Youtube, Facebook, etc...ok lets be honest x2, you spend at least 30 MIN or MORE in a social media. yahhh

butttttttttttttt. oops. I-IM SORRY. I WRITED BUTT BUT WHIT 12 "T" MORE. I WANTED TO SAY BUT XDok, but do ya think ur personality matches whit a social media? ahhh idk

Created by: LiaTheBearOwO
  1. music?
  2. dances or photos?
  3. fav animal?
  4. fav color?
  5. what are you in school?
  6. in wich social media do you spend more time?
  7. uhhhhhhhh, idk more questions to add
  9. wich trend do ya like most? (tiktok)
  10. bye!
  11. sorry its short XD i didnt have ideas-

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Quiz topic: Wich Social Media am I?
