how geeky are you?

see how dorky you are. comare with your friends. are you altra cool or a total geek. here is the perfect quiz for you and ur friends to find out ur true desinty and some good advice

are you a geek? are you a dork? or are you just a weirdo? find out if ur altra cool or superier of lameness in this totaly awesome quiz i made. have fun!

Created by: Lily Yorke

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know what pokemon are?
  2. How exelent are you in every subject? be honest
  3. do you get asked out a lot?
  4. do you have a lot of friends?
  5. do you still sleep with a night light or a light on outside ur room?
  6. whats on ur walls?
  7. did u get a cellphone yet?
  8. how messy is ur room?
  9. is this quiz boring? (they make u put like 12 questions before u can be done)
  10. Last question. do u get a lot of detentions?

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Quiz topic: How geeky am I?