How funny are you?

This quiz will tell how funny you are. It's just what results will lead to, so it won't be 100% accurate, but it's fun. Answer truthfully, unless you just don't want to.

Are you funny, only one to find out. If you are, impress you friends. If you aren't, find a different talent. I think I'm funny. Comment what you got.

Created by: RodiumTech
  1. If you're at a party, what would you say to you're friend?
  2. What is your dream job?
  3. What do you think of the name bob?
  4. What would you rather name a charactor?
  5. Do U liek memes?
  6. Do you like pranks?
  7. Do you want to get married?
  8. What is your hairstyle?
  9. What dessert is your favorite?
  10. What's your favorite food?

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Quiz topic: How funny am I?