How fed up of these "How whatever are you" quizzes are you?

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Lots of people are suddenly jumping on the bandwagon and creating quizzes to say how 'wherever' are you. It was amusing at first. Especially the Northern one. Even I liked that one.

But now it is getting silly. There is one appearing every five minutes for every minor town or village. Soon it will be narrowed down to roads...or houses... or even 'how living room' are you? Come on..are you not bored yet?

Created by: jehodgson
  1. Did you find it amusing when you first did these quizzes?
  2. Did you do them just to get 100% on something a friend also got 100% on?
  3. Did you post some of your results before you got fed up of these others appearing every five minutes?
  4. Do your friends now keep posting regional versions for wherever they are from, and it is getting a bit silly?
  5. Do you think they should stop now?
  6. Are you bored enough of them now?
  7. Do I wish I didn't have to do 10 questions?
  8. Is there going to be a point to this now the joke I attempted to make is wearing thin?
  9. Which of these quizzes was the only one really worth doing?
  10. Now we are at number 10, what was the point of this?

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Quiz topic: How fed up of these "How whatever am I" quizzes am I?