How Far Outside the Overton Window Are You?

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These questions were taken from various different positions on certain issues. They include ideas and political views considered by many to be outside of the American mainstream.

Answer every question honestly - either agree, disagree, or neutral if you aren't sure or don't understand the question. Your results will be shown after you take it.

Created by: lordofeverything
  1. Hormonal contraception is wrong.
  2. The goals of eugenics are noble, even though in practice it would yield some unsavory results.
  3. Ted Kaczynski and Varg Vikernes are right about some things, specifically how industrialized society domesticates man to be something that is entirely removed from nature and that is ultimately detrimental to us spiritually.
  4. There should be a 100% or higher marginal rate for any earnings over 50 times the median income, and no tax deduction whatsoever can apply beyond twice the median income.
  5. Prison should only be reserved for the most heinous crimes, and anyone sentenced to it should be let out at any time if they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they have reformed.
  6. All businesses should be worker-owned cooperatives regardless of size or complexity.
  7. Non-democracies have no inherent right to sovereignty.
  8. Private property and "liberty" are inherently incompatible.
  9. Social Security and pensions as they are designed now are a pyramid scheme.
  10. People should be able to own and buy machine guns without federal notice, registration, or licensing.
  11. Joseph Stalin did very little wrong and was, all in all, an upstanding guy and great revolutionary.
  12. Gay marriage should be federally repealed.
  13. Women who make false rape accusations should face the same amount of jail time that her victim would have had.
  14. All sexual crimes on minors should be dealt with the death penalty.
  15. There should be compulsory military service.
  16. The 16th amendment should be repealed, and thus the federal income tax should be nullified.
  17. All estate taxes should be abolished.
  18. The federal minimum wage should be abolished.
  19. Majority rule is a wretched, utilitarian way of governing a nation and it deserves to be cast into the dustbin of history.
  20. In-vitro fertilization should be banned.
  21. Unionization should be mandatory for all workers.
  22. There should be zero restrictions on abortion.
  23. Billionaires should not exist and should be taxed out of existence.
  24. Inheritance should be taxed at 100%.
  25. Colonization of outer space should be put on hold until capitalism is abandoned as the hegemonic socioeconomic system.
  26. Divorce should be banned or heavily restricted.
  27. Consensual homosexual incest between adults should not be illegal and neither should consensual heterosexual incestuous acts that do not have any chance of pregnancy resulting from them.
  28. Female toplessness should be allowed everywhere male toplessness is, and full nudity should only be illegal when it's a public health issue.
  29. Instead of jail, slavery is an acceptable form of punishment for a crime.
  30. Institutionalized K-12 private education should be banned, outside of subject-specific tutoring and homeschooling.
  31. It should never be socially acceptable to consume any alcohol in any context.
  32. Christopher Columbus was a hero who founded the New World.
  33. The United States should abolish all of its armed forces and encourage others to do so as well.
  34. The Chinese Communist Party is not as bad as Western media says.
  35. The 2nd Amendment should be repealed.
  36. Trillionaires should exist.
  37. Tax-exempt status for religious organizations should be ended.
  38. People don't choose where they're born so immigration restrictions beyond simple crime/health checks are unjust.
  39. Worldwide federation is an achievable and necessary goal if we are to truly end the stranglehold the global elite have over the economy.
  40. My country is superior to all other countries.
  41. Landlords should have total discretion in who they choose to rent out to, and should be able to select their tenants or ask them to leave for any reason.
  42. Capitalism is literally leading humanity down the road to extinction.
  43. The United States should have zero net migration.

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