How Extroverted is Your Character?

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This is a companion to TheWeyrs: Oath character reference sheet. It enables players to score their characters extroversion to help them fill out the first part of the personality tuning section.

The other quizzes will be on Stability, Contentiousness, and Openness and help role-players generate results to help them fill out the corresponding sections of the character tuning.

Created by: rhodalle of Podcreature
(your link here more info)
  1. How active is your character?
  2. How curious, even nosy, is your character?
  3. How much does your character notice that other's normally don't?
  4. Does your character ever procrastinate, or are they ever late?
  5. How good is your character at analyzing complex evidence?
  6. How much do they stress about things?
  7. Do they ever avoid unpleasant things?
  8. How well do they focus?
  9. Is your character loud? Do they speak often?
  10. How do they feel about asking for help?
  11. How comfortable are they with sharing rooms, bathrooms, resources, and personal space with others?
  12. How well can they "pose" or schmooze to fit into any group?
  13. Does your character like to entertain or charm?
  14. Does their face betray their emotions?
  15. How dramatic is your character when they are feeling things strongly?
  16. Does your character feel vulnerable expressing their feelings or reasons for doing things?
  17. Is your character easily entertained?
  18. How much empathy, compassion, or concern does your character have for others?
  19. Does your character take joy in helping others, for nothing in return?
  20. Does your character hate arguments?
  21. How easily does your character get angry?

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Quiz topic: How Extroverted is my Character?