How Emo Are You?

This quiz is mainly about if you're emo or not. I mean, look at the title!! Take this quiz to find out how emo or not emo you are! You're probably asking me, are you emo? I don't know,

Well, just take the quiz already! or is this a thing after the quiz?? I don't know i'll take it later though. I don't know. Well whatever haha!!! just take it....

Created by: Lucyyy
  1. How often do you dye your hair?
  2. Are you sad often? tell tha truth
  3. Do u like this quiz?
  4. What kind of clothes do you wear?
  5. When Im bored i like to ________________.
  6. What kind of music do you listen to?
  7. I ran out of questions.
  8. If u made the same quiz, what would ur question be?
  9. im almost done
  10. what do u wear often?
  11. Last question.

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Quiz topic: How Emo am I?