How Edgy Are You?

There is personality in your outfits :) choose wisely :) it will affect on how ppl think of you! No matter what so buy guys imma spam lololool sorry guys I'm bored.

😎 hehe lol hehe lol its on da inside not on da out side remember guys don't think diff. @ smile is the best makeup anyone can wear. Remember guys please.

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your favorite color?
  2. Whats your favorite time of day?
  3. Whats your natural hair color?
  4. What kind of clothes?
  5. Fancy or not.
  6. Will You Rate?
  7. Will U comment?
  8. Villan or hero
  9. Fun or blah
  10. Let FAITH decide.

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Quiz topic: How Edgy am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Personal Style Quiz category.