How earth friendly are you?

Are you earth friendly? Are you doing your part to make the Earth's environment a better place for current and future generations. Let's take a look.

Hopefully you are open minded to make 1 or more lifestyle changes to make this world a better place... not just for us but for the future generations.

Created by: Siege
  1. Have you planted a tree in the last year?
  2. Do you make sure to turn off all lights and electronic devices when they are not in use?
  3. Do you flush the toilet after every use?
  4. Do you bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store when grocery shopping?
  5. Do you let your car idle when parked?
  6. Do you drive a vehicle that gets more than 30 miles to the gallon?
  7. Have you used any paper plates, plastic utensils, disposable cups, paper towels or napkins in the last week?
  8. Have you used tin foil, plastic wrap or plastic bags to store food this last week?
  9. As a minimum, do you recycle paper and plastic?
  10. Have you shopped at a thrift store or goodwill this last month?

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Quiz topic: How earth friendly am I?