How do I deal with my cat's death? Advice needed. | Comments

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  • It's okay, my cat just died this year on 9/11/15, ironic right? It's the curse of 9/11. Anyway, she was my little Gingy, well actually Ginger, and she died of distemper. I can't get over how depressing it is, so if you have any advice, just tell me. K?

  • Sorry that I copied and pasted from your quiz. It was just because that I was so tired and I didn't know I was doing.

    Oh, and sorry again about your cat. Well, when you die when you get older, you will see your cat again. Sorry, there really is not much I can say about it. I know how you feel about it.

  • i know how you feel. I had a hamster for only 3 months. 3 months. However she was amazing and all I can ask for. I named her Firework :). The night before she died she had a difficult walk around her cage. It usually takes her a second to walk around, but this time it took her 5 minutes. She was limping and she knew that she was gonna die. I decided to go to sleep and maybe she will bebetter in the morning. I woke up and saw her sleeping. With tears pouring out of my eyes, i sang firework by katy perry to her for an hour. I noticed that she wasn't breathing, so me and my mom spent THE WHOLE DAY trying to get her back. oh yeah, i had a hamster 2 months before firework and that hamster(named MC HAMMA) ;) died young too. You cannot imagine how guilty i felt, i thought it was aaalllll my fault. I couldnt stop ccrying. luckily , i had my brother to cheerme up. i never got along with him, but he made me laugh and got my mind off things. Thats what you should do. get your mind off things and have fun with friends. :)

  • Hey!! I'm so sorry 4 ur cat:'( but I think the best way to get over it is to keep ur self busy!!! Hang out with friends more, don't talk about it, join more clubs & remember she is in a better place now :)

  • Thanks everyone for your lovely words of advice. I'm trying to get over it and move on. It's very hard.

    Please can you all do me a favor and keep Balina in your prayers...

  • I am so sorry. But, there is really nothing I can do. There is nothing we can do. I am so sorry this happened to you... :'(

  • i know how you feel. my rabbit sarhin died too. from also some sickness and buried her in our garden. she died 2 years ago. i only got her for like 2 years. i think this is why my best friend and i became like not best friends best friend gave me her pet because her older sister is like ok u know what nevermind. you know just continue what your doing and one day... you will get over it like you not even noticing it.

  • I'm so sorry!!!! I feel really bad for you. Something simalar has happened to me in the past, and I cried for a while, but then I got over it. Sounds like you were pretty close to your cat, so it may take longer for you. Just know that your cat is still with you, but in spirit form. My advise to you is to try and distract yourself with stuff (not related to your cat) that makes you feel happy or laugh. It usually works. Just try to take your mind off it. Once again, I'm sorry and I hope you feel better soon.

  • I'm sorry about your cat, I know how it feels. I have my 3 month old puppy die in July from Parvo. It was sad. But you don't need to make a quiz, I'm sorry. Crying is the best way to get over this. It'll heal in time.

  • I am so very sorry about the loss of your cat but like @WTF_NINJA said just try to think that she is in a better place.

  • Just try to think that she's in a better place. Sure it's hard but it can be done.She probably is in a better place,missing just like you miss her.I'm really sorry for your loss, I know the feeling :(


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