How crazy are you and your friends? | Comments

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  • Did I say rings? I meant rocks.

  • My friend likes to take my lunch then hide it in a random place. She then takes me around the playground and I sing an embarrassing song about flying naked mole pigs that I made up after I said if I was an animal I would be a flying pig(I am often this in games we play with dragons) or a naked mole rat. She called me a flying naked mole pig, and then I made a song and then I had to sing it to the 8th graders(I am in sixth) that like to gossip. Ugh. We then play witches, and we sit in the sun circle we made out of rocks and meditate. She then gets up to the tumbleweed pile we made and hits me with it. We then chase people out of our territory. (Our territory is a smallish area that is completely surrounded by a ring of trees and under a hill on one side, and near the playground fence, which is quite often open, on the other. There is a giant pile of tumbleweeds in one corner.) Needless to say we are often late to lunch. One time there was half of a dead mouse in our territory, and we made an intricate circle of rings around it and engraved them, then held a funeral for the mouse. I wonder how it got there.


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