How clever are you with these simple questions?

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This quiz is a fun quiz where you can test how intelligent you are it’s just a fun quiz and you can use google to see but don’t cheat too much! Huehuehue

So my quiz wants to represent “intelligence” for fun you’ll find out you’re result don’t be upset if you don’t get the score you wanted but you can redo it once you get better!

Created by: SushiWolf134
  1. What year did The Titanic sink?
  2. What’s the Dark Web
  3. Jacks dad had 3 sons Jason Adrian and Lawn who was his last kid?
  4. How long is the Milky Way?
  5. Which pianist was deaf?
  6. How old was Marie Antoinette when she married?
  7. What state does not have poisonous snakes?
  8. Is water a compound or an element?
  9. How fast does a rocket have to travel to escape the Earth's gravity?
  10. What is in a lava lamp and how does it work? The lamp contains blobs of coloured wax inside a glass vessel filled with clear or translucent liquid true or false?
  11. How long is the chunnel under water?

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Quiz topic: How clever am I with these simple questions?
