How Camel Are You?

The reason why I made this quiz is so that people know what the hell the military is goin through overseas... I mean there is literally nothing to do.. So that's Y I made it so that people at home know what's goin on in Kuwait... Absolutely nothing.

Do you know about camels? Hmmmm take this quiz and find out. But thanks to this qui you'll find out. Do you have the guts to take it? Are you man or woman enough? Hmmmmm lets see how well you know your animals?

Created by: MATT
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color is a camel?
  2. What are the people called who take care of the camels?
  3. What are the names of the camps in Kuwait?
  4. What is the drink that most hadji's want?
  5. What do camels eat in the desert?
  6. What do you do when a sand storm moves in?
  7. What state do the Kuwait people drive like they are from?
  8. How many humps does a camel have?
  9. What is the mascot of Kuwait?
  10. What do Kuwait people do when they wreck a car?

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Quiz topic: How Camel am I?