How Cambridge are you?

Gay, this quiz is for fun and to see who loves the place enough to see how they rate on the fake scale according to me who is no one so crack on;) I need a poo, do I have to keep writing now???

Another one! It's just a quiz/question air what more do you need to know? I'm not hinting at possible outcomes just take the test an see if you would fit in or get robbed at some point??

Created by: Wako
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever nicked a car?
  2. Do you or did you ever hang around in the Grafton?
  3. Ever hit a cyclist while driving?
  4. Do you take recreational drugs?
  5. Would you prefer 20 mph or 30 mph through the city?
  6. Ever been to the junction?
  7. Are you a student?
  8. Is the river cam a beautiful place to walk along?
  9. How many people do you know that say they know someone but then you find out they don't ?
  10. Ever stole a bike, bag, or skanked someone?
  11. When is the worst time for traffic?
  12. Do you know auntie???:)
  13. What's the roughest part of Cambridge in terms of how badly it could end for you if things go wrong? (Violence)
  14. And finally, would you make a passing coment to a stranger in the street, kind or otherwise?

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