How Beautiful Are You Girls? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Beautiful Are You Girls?

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  • Oh AnonymousPromise! Sure, guys and girls only want the best for themselves, and that's good! God created everything good so humans can ONLY want things good. If you are beautiful on the inside that's all that matters! Don't worry what the world thinks of you, think of what God thinks of you.

    You do have a purpose in this world! It is to evangelize God's Word to everyone around you. Whether it's by telling your friends, teachers, or even your future kids! Sorry if I'm preaching:) I can't help it. I just want you to recognize you do have a purpose in this world and that no one can tell you otherwise!

  • PurpleCherries, I know I'm beautiful on the inside, but does that really matter at this point? All this world wants is better looking people. And if I'm not good-looking, then what use am I to this world?

  • Anonymous Promise, I don't care what anyone says about you! Neither does God. You are perfect just the way you are! I'm not saying this because I'm already pretty or anything (trust me!) and I hope you can recognize your true beauty is within! Love you! :)

  • Your Result: Astounding

    Hey girl, you are beautiful! You've got the looks and the shine, and I hope you know that too. You are YOU, and you are perfect the way you are, so don't try to change yourself! :)

    Thank you! You made my day!

  • Astonishing

    Girl, you are absolutely astonishing! But be careful what you think, there's some negativity. You ARE beautiful, now you just have to believe it! Go out there and have rock you world, no one else can fill your shoes. :)

    I.... I beg to differ. No matter what anyone says, I'm not beautiful. My friend from 4th grade (I'm in 5th now) kept teasing me about like my weight for instance. No one gets me. Some people cut themselves to relieve stress, I eat paper. I'm older than everyone yet I'm shorter than them. 4 people in this f'd up world get me. They are : My family, my crush, my cousin, and God. When my friend kept teasing me, she sat there and laughed while I sat there and stared at her in a sad way. Plus, she has this secret that like 5 people know. I'm not one of them. She JUST met all those people THIS year, yet I've been her friend for 2 years now, still waiting to hear the secret. And 2 of those people she hardly knows! Those 5 people are part of the "popular" crowd. I feel as if she can't be seen telling me a secret in public. I'm one of her "loser friends". Actually, I'm her only "loser friend". It breaks my heart to talk about this. The way she's treated me like crap this entire year. I only have one word to say to all of you; Help.

  • What da difference B-tween magical, astounding, or da other one (i forget)

    weird h0rse

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