How Basingstoke are you

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There appears to be many many of these quizzies for more exciting places, such as Reading and Southampton..... But, nothing for Basingstoke, so I thought I'd create one..... So, here it is, some old and new questions, bit of a mix.... Lets see how you can do..

What do you really know about Basingstoke? Do you know its roads? Its History? Its Present? Do you know more than your friends? Are you worried you know too much about this town?!?!? Well, now finding out just what you do know, by taking this simple quiz..

Created by: Jamie

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which of these is a 'famous' Basingstoke landmark?
  2. Basingstoke Football Clubs nickname?
  3. Which is NOT a Basingstoke school?
  4. The main 'overspill' from London occured in
  5. How many McDonalds does Basingstoke have?
  6. Prior to the Aquadrome being there, the swimming pool before that was called
  7. Basingstoke Museum is called
  8. Which of these is not a road in Winklebury?
  9. Which of these is not a road in Popley?
  10. Which London train station would you come directly into from Basingstoke?
  11. Basingstoke is popularly known as
  12. Which of the following bands had a famous member from Basingstoke?
  13. The maternity hospital, that was knocked down in the 1980's which stood alond Cliddesden Road was
  14. Many years ago, the areas around Basingstoke were used for
  15. The main road that runs from Basingstoke to Newbury is called
  16. The main road that runs from Basingstoke to Alton is
  17. What date, in 2013 was the firework display at War Memorial?
  18. What place is Basingstoke, currently (2013) in the 'National Wealth League'?
  19. Which Bus company currently serves the Basingstoke area?
  20. The 'wonderful' nightclub that used to be housed UNDER the multi-story car park in town, that closed in the 1990's was
  21. The large open farm field, running adjacent to ROMAN ROAD, Winklebuy is, apparently, the larget open single farm field in England. How big is it?
  22. Basingstoke is mentioned in the Domesday book as
  23. BEFORE Festival Place ad the cinema at the Leisure Park were built, th only cinema was the one in the town centre with two screen, it was called
  24. Prior to the Morrisons, there was a Safeway, prior to the Safeway being built there was a large roundabout, what was it used for..

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Quiz topic: How Basingstoke am I