How bad should YOU be PUNISHED?

Have you been bad recently? Do you need a punishment? Not sure exactly what? Well, I'm here to tell you and your naughty bottom what y'all deserve....

I think it's already pretty clear, but just so y'all know- I live in the south and spanking/whipping is just fine. If that's the punishment you need, y'all better take it.

Created by: VirginiaSpanker
  1. Do you think you've been naughty recently?
  2. Why are you taking the quiz?
  3. What have you done?
  4. What have you done?
  5. What do you think you need?
  6. Is there anything you want to tell me?
  7. How bad are you normally?
  8. Are you going to make these mistakes again?
  9. Will you comment and rate?
  10. Do you have someone around to administer your punishment?

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Quiz topic: How bad should I be PUNISHED?

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