How attractive are you?

Are you attractive? Do people keep calling you attractive? Well prove them right by taking this quiz! Do people call you ugly and fat? Take this quiz to prove them wrong!

What does it take to be attractive? Not much, just enhancing your features and having a good attitude. So back to the question. Do you think you're attractive? In a few minutes, you will find out, my friends!

Created by: Hope
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How is your skin?
  2. Eye colour?
  3. How are your eyes?
  4. Your nose?
  5. Your lips?
  6. Your teeth?
  7. Have you had/do you have/do you think you need braces?
  8. Have you had any fillings/teeth/gum problems before?
  9. Hair colour?
  10. How is your hair?
  11. Hair texture?
  12. Body shape?
  13. Weight?
  14. Height?
  15. Legs?
  16. Waist?
  17. (GIRLS ONLY) Breasts and butt?
  18. Use 3 words to describe yourself.
  19. How pretty do you think you are on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being the ugliest and 10 being the prettiest?
  20. If you see someone selling flags on the street, would you buy one?
  21. The quiz is over! Did you enjoy it?

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Quiz topic: How attractive am I?