How annoying are you?

Many people in this world will ask themselves this eternal question at least once in their lifetime, "Am I annoying?" Well, my good sirs and ladies, here is your answer!

Is it possible for you to be an annoying fool? Could you just plain and simply not be annoying? Perhaps you classify as neither! Well, in this well organized quiz, you will find out!

Created by: DarkestKiss

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How do you normally type?
  2. Do you like Justin Beiber?
  3. Do you enjoy listening to One Direction?
  4. On what level do you "Gangnam Style"?
  5. Upon which of these colors does your favor fall?
  6. Would your social stereotype be classified as any of the following: hipsters, annoying Facebook girl/guy, and/or a know-nothing?
  7. Off the top of your head what does the world "recall" mean?
  8. Did you notice my grammar mistake in the previous question before I pointed it out?
  9. Are the thoughts that go through your brain about shopping or dating?
  10. Do you often sit with a random group of people at lunch break?

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Quiz topic: How annoying am I?