Hogwarts Love Story Pt 40 | Comments

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  • ...How did I not see this before...

    But, really, it was amazingly extrodinarily awesomeful! Keep up the good work, Nat!

  • I'm crying. Oliver's questioning if i love him or was even sad when we broke up. How did I manage to remember Ced's confession? natuhleegayle, you have no idea how weird this is for me, the reader. I hated Cedric because he acted in Twilight but I;m starting back to like him. Heck, I love him but not as much as I love Oliver, Harry Styles and Patch. You have me crying here gurl! I need the next part, and I'm not saying this out of excitement, I'm saying it out of emotion. Please! I need to know more. But don't forget, natuhleegayle, you're my bridesmaid for the wedding with Oliver on Friday! =P

  • I am SO conflicted! I shouldn't have read this, I'm trying to write my part at this moment in time and now my ideas are all mixed up. XP Ah well, it's worth it!

  • I understand Ron's very hard to not make a douche he's just so difficult wish I could like him more.

  • @AiFiahK3mE - I'm really glad that the scene really portrayed a lot of emotions! There was suppose to be a song for it but I realized I had that song saved for a scene that will be used later on in story! I appreciate your sympathy towards Cedric which he doesn't get that much! (:

    @xxblutixx - Interesting metaphor but when you said that I honestly thought of "A Year Without Rain" By Selena Gomez when you said that! Haha! I think Cedric skipping class reflects my attitude towards the end of school. I'm really glad that scene work out, when I introduced Oliver to the scene, I was afraid that it would turn into another fight! Hehe! I know, the boys are sweet to put away the fighting! :)

    @Calypso1315 - LOL. Thank you and you're welcome :) Well, if you love someone, you must sacrifice your own feelings if it means the best for them! Sadly, June 22nd to be exact, is still out of my reach! Until then, I'm bound to school.

    @Obssion s0112 - Thank you so much! I tried my best with balancing my school work and this! Haha! Oliver did needed that! Good thing they didn't fight! Ahh, Quality Time with Ron is the death of me :( Meaning, I'm trying to make Ron NOT seem like an ass.

  • I love this!I'm glad you got it up and I'm super happy about all the fantastic scenes you wrote they were fabulous! I can't wait for so quality time with Ron! Oh bythe way I like Cedric Slapping some sence into Oliver that was priceless! XD

  • I am SO FUDGING HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU POSTED PART 40!!!! YAAAY! And did that REALLY just happen between Cedric and Oliver!?! I thought they hated each other or something...oh well.....But I still love them both!! I CAN'T FUDGING WAIT FOR JUNE, NATUHLEEGAYLE!!

  • AH ^^ I was so happy when I saw you released another part before June, natuhleegayle! It's like rain on a desert. Wow Cedric, dumb choice to skip *shakes head* Like everyone else, I was anticipating a juicy drama scene, but what we got instead was better. Kind of interesting how Cedric and Oliver have a temporary understanding for the sake of "me" and "my" memory issue. No. I will not fall for Cedric >:( but that was a cute pep talk he gave to Oliver. Ack. Time to go back to a desert...

  • Ah... Oliver...

    Wow, you really got me there. I thought it was going to be another fight, but what do I get? A super emotional scene(also being extremely cute, specially with the pep-talk Cedric gave to Oliver). However, I feel bad, imagining what Cedric must feel like when telling those words to Oliver...

    Don't misunderstand me, I love Oliver, but Cedric is extremely sweet too...

  • @5thMarauder - Haha! You're welcome! I knew some of you couldn't bear the wait and I did get some angry emails about me writing in June. Haha! Really? Awee, that's so cute! So many weddings! I can't wait :)

    @WTF_NINJA - Oh! LOL. Thank you so much! I thought so too about the whole drama between Cedric and Oliver but something told me not to add drama in that scene! Anyways, thank you so much :) Love your support!

  • YO PEOPLE! This chick, this lady right here! *points to natuleegayle* Is AWESOME for making these EPIC quizzes of hers.Man I thought there was gonna be a drama scene between Oliver and Cedric, and I was wrong >:( Still...It was awesomely epicly extrodanaryly coolioly ihavenootherwordsth atdontexitsly xD

  • OMG!! I LOVE OLIVER!! nat,I love you for posting this early :D I like Cedric too,but Oliver is the best ^.^

    In the summer my friend is marrying Seamus and I'm marrying Olive AND YOU IS INVITED!! WOOHOO!!


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