Here, a quiz thats a hint!

Well, im this quiz you wont do anything! I will be giving you hints on who I am, and whos alt i am! Hope you get it!Wich you luck!:D:D:D!!!!!!!!!!!:)!

IDK what im tiping here!khuefnkuhefgseijrfuboh bnoseruyhbfse8ry7tpw927 3t5 3wbthjug8 hgnro9ue84ywp0438ihy548h54987yht98798467y694ih 7yn869 7yn9h87yw94867yhp598hiugyn b9phyng[o9r58 yh-9w486hygn946-j h8vyn

Created by: Miststar
  1. Ja pricam Srpski
  2. I love Warrior Cats
  3. I read WoF
  4. I play violin
  5. I like to draw/animate
  6. I have a YT channel
  7. H
  8. I have a Lucky nickname(this is a BIG hint!)
  9. E
  10. Bye!

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