wich gryffindor teen are you

so you want to know wich Griyffindor teen you are hum, well as you can see, you are clearly at the right place! have fun, i really hope you will like it :)

also good luck with the quiz and if you are not satisfied with the results, please don't be mad. i wored really hard on it even if it doesn't look like it

Created by: Kim
  1. your gender
  2. your house
  3. with who would you be in a relationship with
  4. who do you think you are most like (say none if it is in the other part)
  5. Rest of the question (answer none if already said before)
  6. Who would be your best friend
  7. favorite thing to do when you are bored
  8. What is your sexuality
  9. How many friends do you have
  10. What is your dream job
  11. You see someone cheat on a exam:
  12. in the quidditch team, you are:
  13. who is your favorite teacher
  14. Your favorite class
  15. what do you think about the Slytherins
  16. what do you think about the Huflepuffs
  17. what do you think about the Ravenclaws
  18. what do you think about the Gryffindors

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Quiz topic: Wich gryffindor teen am I
