heart or brain ?

If you take this test u are going to find out alot about yourself either are emotional or not , plz take it you won't regret , it really helps you :*)

All about your testroin hormone ,that causes your behavior. I'm 100% sure youll enjoy it , it is well worth a try so do it as soon.as you are able to

Created by: melika
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are u good at math and physics?
  2. What is your reaction to a broken up relationship ?
  3. If you lost something at home,
  4. For this question women should consider after their period ( do you get angry easily ?)
  5. do you have much hair on your face surface like mustache or eyebrows part ?
  6. Are u able to memorize lessons easily ?
  7. Do you enjoy dreaming about your future and imagine yourself in ur ideal place ?
  8. Do you enjoy dreaming about your future and imagine yourself in ur ideal place ?
  9. Can u find out how to find ur way when u take a look at a map?
  10. When you want to decide , do u usually thinks emotionally or you just think without any consideration of people's emotion ?

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