What Simpsons Character are you?

THera are alot of smart people.But some enoying geniuses.what is a genius?A genius is somebodywhi has an extraodinarily clever mind and love to read and stay at home doing extra homework to get even smarter!

Are you a genius?do you have brain power are you smart?do you know things of by heart so you know what 2+2 is of by heart?Are you the smartest persone in your whole grade?

Created by: Sarah
  1. What is your gender?
  2. What is your age?
  3. Who is your favirote character?
  4. Who would you rather date?
  5. Whats your faviorite thing to do with your friends?
  6. You accidently create a device that will end world hunger. What do you do?
  7. Which of these super powers do you want to have?
  8. At school, you were known as the?
  9. If you had one wish, you'd wish for?
  10. The word that best describes you is?

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Quiz topic: What Simpsons Character am I?