What Simpsons charactar are you?

Do you always wonder what simsons character you are well heres your chance take it take it take it you will find out your true simpsons destiny and you will know who you are deep inside

Are you up for the challenge well its not really a challenge but clicking with a mouse can be hard if you have swollen fingers so if you do click the X button shut down your computer and rest them they will get worse

Created by: bexy poll leasha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What religion are you
  2. what is you hair colour
  3. Fave item of clothing
  4. ideal job
  5. Choose a word
  6. What title of a book appeals to you
  7. What colour
  8. How would you spend a perfect saturday
  9. What food (P.S this question will have no effect on your result)
  10. choose a letter

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Quiz topic: What Simpsons charactar am I?