Have You Given Up On Life

Do you hate yourself? Do you think your life has no meaning? If so then this is the quiz for you. By taking this quiz, you'll find out whether or not you have truly given up on life.

Now you can find out if you have given up on life and if you haven't, find out what it's like to have given up on life. Your results may surprise you.

Created by: No
  1. Have you sopped brushing your teeth before bed?
  2. Have you skipped two or more showers or baths in a row?
  3. Do you eat ice cream or drink milk straight out of the carton?
  4. Have you stopped sorting and/or folding laundry?
  5. Have you stopped doing laundry altogether?
  6. Have you returned to the same free sample stand at Costco more than two times in a single visit to the store?
  7. Have you worn sweat pants, yoga pants or exercise leggings anywhere but the gym or your own house?
  8. Have you worn your pajamas in public?
  9. Have you stopped waxing or shaving?
  10. Have you come to terms with the fact that you hate yourself?
  11. Have you madturbated more than three times in one day?
  12. Do you nap at every opportunity?

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